This is Kate. I am 53 years old and I have been using Yesterdaze cream daily for the past 22 years and have experienced many benefits over these last two decades. Initially I started with the cream to help balance my hormones after childbirth. Some of the benefits for me have been; more interest in sex, more regular menstruation, less cramping, less irritability and lately, reduced hot flashes and better sleep. I will continue to use Yesterdaze cream and have recommended it to many of my friends and family as I am a firm believer that it is a very useful part of my daily life.

My husband and I decided to visit the Western Fair Farmer’s Market yesterday and ran across From the Meadow’s booth. Our 16 month old daughter has had a severe case of diaper rash for some time now. We have tried coconut oil, Penetan (zinc oxide) cream, even doctor prescribed hydro-cortisone cream. Nothing helped. After consulting a very nice young woman about our daughter’s condition, she suggested we try the Burrific Heal All Cream. We purchased a small jar and applied it to our daughter’s rash when we got home. 2hours later, to our surprise, the rash had nearly disappeared. Both of us were shocked and Meredith is noticeably more comfortable. We applied the cream again. As I write this, it is 24 hours after the initial application and her rash has completely disappeared. We are thoroughly impressed with the not only the medicinal power of From the Meadow’s Burrific Heal All Cream, but with the remarkable speed at which it worked. Neither my husband nor I were big believers in the healing power of natural remedies over western medicine but this experience has been very enlightening. We are soon to be repeat customers and I am looking forward to trying From the Meadow’s Polar Cream. If it works half as well as The Burrific Heal All Cream. it will be money well spent.
– Amanda & Dave

Sitting here, post shower and covered in “Mercy”, the most intoxicating, moisturizing oil ever. There’s not a product I don’t just love!
– Shanna

Your products are amazing! You are true healers
Loko S

I must say.. I love your Burrific Heal All. I have put it on almost every skin problem I have had. I’ve used it on bruises, scrapes, eczema, dry cracked feet, and heat rashes. It’s helped heal them all so quickly!! Thank you so much for this wonderful product!
– Melanie

I’m in LOVE with your Pumpkin Sugar Scrub!! I’ve been using it for about 2 years now (among other meadow products) & have seen a great difference in how great my skin looks & feels! Thanks for putting out such great products!!
– Eliza B

After falling from my bike, my hand ached from bruising my knuckles. I took Tylenol about two hours after the accident which only provided minor relief from the pain. I was pleasantly surprised after rubbing Awesome Arnica on my hand that the pain went away within minutes. – Paul, London, Ontario
I was at the market at the fairgrounds again today and I stopped by your amazing little operation. I discussed a problem I had with allergies and was treated on the spot with Sinusitis Oil. I noticed that my sinuses cleared up almost right away and I purchased some of this magical product.
– Bill, London, Ontario

In early February, 1999 I received a severe cut to my left hand. When trying to remove the back cover of my watch the jack knife slipped causing the blade to enter completely through the fleshy area between my thumb and first finger. The cut could have been stitched but instead I used Burrific Heal-All and an Everplast dressing strip to cover the cut. After two days I removed the dressing to discover the cut had completely healed over, showing only a slight red line where the knife blade had entered. I applied more Heal-All and another dressing. Two days later I removed the dressing and the red line had disappeared and there was no visible scar.
– Larry Potter, Vice President Compuscan.com

Hello Ladies, I just spoke with you today about my little Alexa and her boil on her face. I can’t thank you enough for all of your amazing creams and Heather for your info….I haven’t felt this relieved in 16 days with her little “virus” I will be seeing you soon to help my family stay at it’s best!! and I will be telling all my Momma friends about you as well!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
– Julie H

Following surgery on my knee, I used Chirpy Chickweed cream. This helped with superficial and deep scarring resulting in my having increased mobility in my knee.
– Amanda Schellenberger, Stratford, Ontario

Wow! I am soooo happy to have my Polar Cream. It helped me get thru a bad cold. Dear polar cream I love you.
– Kelly

Today I found your spot at the London Farmers Market and purchased a lovely basket of your skin care products!!! I absolutely LOVE your fine selection of products and look forward to trying more of your products!! Thank you for making a difference!!
– Diana C

After using Calendula Cream nightly for one month, the tiny red veins that appeared coming out of my nostrils are no longer visible, nor is the pre-cancerous spot on the bridge of my nose apparent. Amazing!
– Liz Brearley R.N. CCHP

Thank-you so much for your wonderful creams. You are extremely gifted:)
I use the “Lydia’s miracle cream” daily on my daughter. It has helped reduced alot of her scarring. I cannot believe the difference from day to day, after using your creams. I have given several others this cream to try, and everyone that has tried it has fallen in love with it.
I also use the Breathalizer on my other daughter who has asthma. Instantly her breathing is much better. I absolutely love this one.
One more product I use is the face cream, again…in love with it!
So once again, thank-you so much for your wonderful creams. Even though I’ve never met you, I feel you are a major part in my daughter’s recovery! I look forward to trying more of your products!
– Jennifer D –

While receiving reflexology treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, when Uncle Arthur’s cream was massaged into my legs the pain was relieved and inflammation greatly reduced. I now use it daily and never leave home without it.
– George

I have given Lydia’s cream to several family members who had radiation for breast cancer. It was amazing. Worked to heal and comfort burned skin when other products did not. They loved it. S.M-

I the Meadow Flower Collection, charcoal soap and the pumpkin face scrub. They make my skin look and feel great! I love that in buying FTM products I’m able to support a local small business and a fantastic family I love the seabuckhorn and secret cream. Never leave home without Polar Cream behind ears to ward off sickness. We really like all the products from here, local and natural. Most of all advice from Heather.

I love the seabuckhorn and secret cream. Never leave home without Polar Cream behind ears to ward off sickness. We really like all the products from here, local and natural. Most of all advice from Heather. F.S-

Snake-bite it’s a pain healer and I use it all the time. It takes out the inflammation and makes sore muscles feel fabulous. My go to for any aches and pains.

I just have to comment on one of your products, how GREAT it truly is. I lucked out (being sarcastic here), inheriting my late father’s dry, cracked elbows. I have tried just about everything out there. I have bought products from you in the past, and I looked at my bottle of Skin Deep one day and thought, “heck it can’t hurt to rub that on my arm/elbow.
It truly worked. My skin/elbow is sooooooo soft now. I’m not as embarrassed going out with it exposed to stares.
THANK YOU for making a great product.