Size: 10ml
Scientific Name: Rosmarinus officinalis
Country of Origin: Tunisia
Synonyms: R.coronarium, compass plant, incensier
Plant Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatie)
Plant Parts Used: Herb/Flowering tops and leaves
Extraction Method: Distillation
Physical Characteristics: Colourless or pale yellow mobile liquid.
Dominant Note(s): Middle
Aroma: Strong, clear and penetrating, refreshing herbal fragrance
Main Constituents: Pinenes, camphene, limonene, cineol, borneol with camphor, linalol, terpineol, octanone, bornyl acetate among others
Blends With: Basil Cedarwood, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Melissa, Myrtle, Orange, peppermint and Tangerine
Safety Precautions: Non-toxic, non-irritant (except in concentration), non-sensitizing. Pregnant and epileptic to avoid.
- Very antiseptic, stimulating and analgesic oil.
- Good for respiratory and muscular problems.
- Hair care: used in rinse water for dark hair.